Wednesday, July 18, 2007


There are some signs that you choose to ignore, because you don't want to see them. This was one such. I knew I had them, I saw them every single day and yet chose to ignore them. Well, I couldn't wish them or worry them away, so I didn't bother.

Until the other day, when I walked into the beauty parlour to get my eyebrows done, and the young, enthusiastic girl who was doing it poses the question: "Ma'm, how about coloring your hair?". I might not have looked very receptive, so she adds "Not a lot, you know, we can just do streaks for you, enough to cover the strands of grey". I remember mumbling something inaudibly about trying it the next time around.

So it's official and people have started noticing it! Beyond age 30, most of the world, or at least most of the world on the other side of 30, looks at you as if you are a triceratops that somehow lived too long. Mad Momma had done a post on a list of things to do before 30. Great list, but aahhh,.. it was a brutal reminder of the 30-divide. And now, this incident to add insult to injury.

I only hope i don't grey so fast that when I drop DD at school, her friends ask "Why does your grandma drop you always - where's your mom?"


the mad momma said...

for what its worth. .the OA is 30 plus... and almost completely grey.. and i think its sexy! you go girl!

minerva said...

Mad Momma - welcome to my blog!

My only consolation is that DH also has quite a few grey strands - Sadistic I know!

Unknown said...

You have such good flair for writing... I liked all your blogs.
Grey hair? Welcome to the club.
I tell my hus., I am not a mom yet, how can I have have grey hair? Guess we have to pretend 'salt and pepper' is the in thing..