Saturday, December 23, 2006

A whiff of fresh air

I love December - it is the month of festivity and celebration. It's the time to look back on what we have done in the whole year and what we have forgotten to do. It's the time to look forward to a new and better year. But I love this month most because this is my "recharge" time. For the last couple of years, I have become used to taking at least a week's break in December - and I don't use this break for travel or vacation. I use this time to recharge my batteries, allow myself all kinds of luxuries and generally indulge in anything that fancies me. The very fact that I don't have a plan or a schedule or a to-do list, makes me look forward to this break. And this year, the break came when hubby and his mom had to go off for a short trip to settle a few things back in Kerala. My daughter's nanny agreed to stay over with me for the duration, giving me time to do my own stuff. And boy, it was really good.

I rediscovered the simple joy of getting up in the morning and having a nice cup of coffee while reading the newspaper. This was something I took for granted in B.C (Before Child) days, but now I cherished the experience so much. I took my daughter for morning walks in the garden below and we played with pebbles. I read to her, played silly games with her and took her out every single evening. We enjoyed kiddie rides, went to the beach and park, and had a freaking good time. I watched her as she reacted wondrously at new experiences. What a pity that we grow up and lose most of this awe for anything beautiful and new.

During the day, I read books, listened to some of my favourite music, went window-shopping and sometimes just curled up beside my daughter when she slept.
I made it a point to forget all pending tasks and anything that came to my notice, I just brushed aside. I didn't even write a post for this blog :-)

At the end of it, I felt a calm energy inside me. The return to routine life was a jolt, but I know that I can have another break next year. And in any case, if I do this daily, it is going to become like the morning cup of coffee that I used to have - no novelty and hence taken for granted.

Wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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